02 Spot. Mobile App Design

Enhance collaboration between models and photographers with Spot. Application

Mobile Design Application - Personal Project


The goal of designing Spot. was to build a connection in between uprising photographers and models based on shared creativity. Spot allow creators to find each other, linking up for certain places to take photos with, and plan time to meetup.

  • 01 Problem Context → 02 The Design

01 Problem Context

Coming from a small photographer, I found it difficult to find new models to photograph portraits for, and it's was more tough when I didn't have a big connections to begin with. Which is why I designed this mobile application to bring the community together, allowing users to showcase their work, articulate goals, and coordinate shoots effortlessly.

02 The Design

As Lead UX Designer, I led a team of 8 through wireframing, prototyping, and usability testing to create OrderUp, an intuitive iOS POS system for L&L Teriyaki. It features a streamlined touchscreen interface, automated sales analytics, and integrated reservations and online ordering, ensuring efficiency and accessibility for staff.

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